
You can configure nuxt-i18n with the i18n property in your nuxt.config.js or by passing options inline with the module declaration:

export default {
  modules: [
  i18n: {
    // Options

// or

export default {
  modules: [
    ['nuxt-i18n', {
      // Options

The former approach has the benefit of having having type-checking enabled if you have followed the Typescript setup.



  • type: string
  • default: ''

The fallback base URL to use as a prefix for alternate URLs in hreflang tags. By default VueRouter's base URL will be used and only if that is not available, fallback URL will be used. Can also be a function (will be passed a Nuxt Context as a parameter) that returns a string. Useful to make base URL dynamic based on request headers.

It's especially important to set this option when using SEO features, in which case it's required that generated SEO tags use fully-qualified URLs.


  • type: array
  • default: []

List of locales supported by your app. Can either be an array of codes (['en', 'fr', 'es']) or an array of objects for more complex configurations:

  { code: 'en', iso: 'en-US', file: 'en.js', dir: 'ltr' },
  { code: 'ar', iso: 'ar-EG', file: 'ar.js', dir: 'rtl' },
  { code: 'es', iso: 'es-ES', file: 'es.js' },

When using an object form, the properties can be:

  • code (required) - unique identifier of the locale
  • iso (required when using SEO features) - The ISO code used for SEO features and for matching browser locales when using detectBrowserLanguage functionality. Should be in one of those formats:
    • ISO 639-1 code (e.g. 'en')
    • ISO 639-1 and ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes, separated by hyphen (e.g. 'en-US')
  • file - the name of the file. Will be resolved relative to langDir path when loading locale messages from file
  • dir (from v6.19.0) The dir property specifies the direction of the elements and content, value could be 'rtl', 'ltr' or 'auto'.
  • domain (required when using differentDomains) - the domain name you'd like to use for that locale (including the port if used)
  • ... - any custom property set on the object will be exposed at runtime. This can be used, for example, to define the language name for the purpose of using it in a language selector on the page.

You can access all the properties of the current locale through the localeProperties property. When using an array of codes, it will only include the code property.

For direction attribute to be set, you MUST use the $nuxtI18nHead method in your layout.

export default {
  head () {
    return this.$nuxtI18nHead()


  • type: string
  • default: ltr

The app's default direction. Will only be used when dir is not specified.


  • type: string or null
  • default: null

The app's default locale. Should match code of one of defined locales.

When using prefix_except_default strategy, URLs for locale specified here won't have a prefix. It's recommended to set this to some locale regardless of chosen strategy, as it will be used as a fallback locale when navigating to a non-existent route.


  • type: string
  • default: 'prefix_except_default'

Routes generation strategy. Can be set to one of the following:

  • 'no_prefix': routes won't have a locale prefix
  • 'prefix_except_default': locale prefix added for every locale except default
  • 'prefix': locale prefix added for every locale
  • 'prefix_and_default': locale prefix added for every locale and default


  • type: boolean or LazyOptions
  • default: false

See also Lazy-load translations.

Whether the translations should be lazy-loaded. If this is enabled, you MUST configure the langDir option, and locales must be an array of objects, each containing a file key.

Loading locale messages lazily means that only messages for currently used locale (and for the fallback locale, if different from current locale) will be loaded on page loading.

LazyOptions v6.3.0+

The value can also be set to an object instead of the value true to override configuration options related to lazy loading. Supports the following optional properties:


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Whether the translation messages for the current locale should be injected into Nuxt state and re-used on the client-side. Read more.


  • type: string or null
  • default: null

Directory that contains translation files to load. Can be used with or without lazy-loading (the lazy option). Use Webpack paths like ~/locales/ (with trailing slash).


  • type: object
  • default: { alwaysRedirect: false, fallbackLocale: '', onlyOnRoot: false, useCookie: true, cookieCrossOrigin: false, cookieDomain: null, cookieKey: 'i18n_redirected', cookieSecure: false }

Enables browser language detection to automatically redirect visitors to their preferred locale as they visit your site for the first time.

See also Browser language detection for a guide.

Note that for better SEO it's recommended to set onlyOnRoot to true.

Supported properties:

  • alwaysRedirect (default: false) - Set to always redirect to the value stored in the cookie, not just on first visit.
  • fallbackLocale (default: null) - If none of the locales match the browser's locale, use this one as a fallback.
  • onlyOnRoot (default: false) - Set to true (recommended for improved SEO) to only attempt to detect the browser locale on the root path (/) of the site. Only effective when using strategy other than 'no_prefix'.
  • onlyOnNoPrefix (default: false) - This is a more permissive variant of onlyOnRoot that will attempt to detect the browser locale on the root path (/) and also on paths that have no locale prefix (like /foo). Only effective when onlyOnRoot is not enabled and using strategy other than 'no_prefix'.
  • useCookie (default: true) - If enabled, a cookie is set once the user has been redirected to browser's preferred locale, to prevent subsequent redirections. Set to false to redirect every time.
  • cookieKey (default: 'i18n_redirected') - Cookie name.
  • cookieDomain (default: null) - Set to override the default domain of the cookie. Defaults to the host of the site.
  • cookieCrossOrigin (default: false) - When true, sets the flags SameSite=None; Secure on the cookie to allow cross-domain use of the cookie (required when app is embedded in an iframe).
  • cookieSecure (default: false) - Sets the Secure flag for the cookie.

Set to false to disable.


  • type: string or object or null
  • default: null

Set to a path to which you want to redirect users accessing the root URL (/). Accepts either a string or an object with statusCode and path properties. E.g

  statusCode: 301,
  path: 'about-us'


This option is deprecated from v6.19.0. The recommended way is to set up SEO as described in Improving performance.

  • type: boolean
  • default: false

If true, a SEO metadata will be generated for the routes. Note that performance can suffer with this option enabled and there might be compatibility issues with some plugins.


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

Set this to true when using different domains for each locale. If enabled, no prefix is added to your routes and you MUST configure locales as an array of objects, each containing a domain key. Refer to the Different domains for more information.


  • type: boolean
  • default: true

Whether custom paths are extracted from page files using babel parser.


  • type: object
  • default: {}

If parsePages option is disabled, the module will look for custom routes in the pages option. Refer to the Routing for usage.


  • type: object
  • default: { moduleName: 'i18n', syncLocale: false, syncMessages: false, syncRouteParams: true }

Registers a store module used for syncing app's i18n state. Set to false to disable.


  • moduleName (default: 'i18n') - The module's namespace.
  • syncLocale (default: false) - If enabled, current app's locale is synced with nuxt-i18n store module.
  • syncMessages (default: false) - If enabled, current translation messages are synced with nuxt-i18n store module. This will make the page response bigger so don't use unless necessary.
  • syncRouteParams (default: true) - Enables a setRouteParams mutation for using custom route names with dynamic routes. See more information in Dynamic route parameters


  • type: object or string
  • default: {}

Configuration for the vue-i18n library that is used internally by this module. See full documentation at http://kazupon.github.io/vue-i18n/api/#constructor-options

It's also supported to set this property to a path to a local configuration file. The file needs to export a function or plain object. If a function, it will be passed a Nuxt Context as a parameter. It's necessary to use that approach when overriding more complex types (like functions) that can't be stringified correctly.

export default context => {
  return {
    modifiers: {
      snakeCase: (str) => str.split(' ').join('-')


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

If true, vue-i18n-loader is added to Nuxt's Webpack config, allowing to define locale messages per-page using a custom i18n block.


  • type: function
  • default: (oldLocale, newLocale) => {}

A listener called right before app's locale changes.

See callbacks


  • type: function
  • default: (oldLocale, newLocale, isInitialSetup, context) => {}

A listener called before the app's locale is changed. Can override the locale that is about to be set.

See callbacks


  • type: function
  • default: (oldLocale, newLocale) => {}

A listener called after app's locale has changed.

See callbacks


  • type: boolean
  • default: false

If true, the locale will not be set when navigating to a new locale. This is useful if you want to wait for the page transition to end before setting the locale yourself using finalizePendingLocaleChange. See more information in Wait for page transition.


  • type: string
  • default: 'default'

Internal suffix added to generated route names for default locale, if strategy is prefix_and_default. You shouldn't need to change this.


  • type: string
  • default: '___'

Internal separator used for generated route names for each locale. You shouldn't need to change this.

Editar esta página en Github Updated at Tue, Aug 3, 2021