
nuxt-i18n overrides Nuxt default routes to add locale prefixes to every URL (except in no_prefix strategy). Say your app supports two languages: French and English as the default language, and you have the following pages in your project:

├── index.vue
├── about.vue

This would result in the following routes being generated

    path: "/",
    component: _3237362a,
    name: "index___en"
    path: "/fr/",
    component: _3237362a,
    name: "index___fr"
    path: "/about",
    component: _71a6ebb4,
    name: "about___en"
    path: "/fr/about",
    component: _71a6ebb4,
    name: "about___fr"

Note that routes for the English version do not have any prefix because it is the default language, see next section for more details.


There are four supported strategies for generating the app's routes:



With this strategy, your routes won't have a locale prefix added. The locale will be detected & changed without changing the URL. This implies that you have to rely on browser & cookie detection, and implement locale switches by calling the i18n API.

This strategy doesn't support Custom paths and Ignore routes features.


Using this strategy, all of your routes will have a locale prefix added except for the default language.


With this strategy, all routes will have a locale prefix.


This strategy combines both previous strategies behaviours, meaning that you will get URLs with prefixes for every language, but URLs for the default language will also have a non-prefixed version.


To configure the strategy, use the strategy option. Make sure that you have a defaultLocale defined, especially if using prefix_except_default, prefix_and_default or no_prefix strategy. For other strategies it's also recommended to set it as it's gonna be used as a fallback when attempting to redirect from 404 page.

['nuxt-i18n', {
  strategy: 'prefix_except_default',
  defaultLocale: 'en'

If on Nuxt version lower than 2.10.2, and using strategy prefix_except_default or prefix_and_default, make sure that that the locale matching defaultLocale is last in the array of locales. For example:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  strategy: 'prefix_except_default',
  defaultLocale: 'en',
  locales: [
    'en',  // Make sure that default locale is the last one!

Custom paths

In some cases, you might want to translate URLs in addition to having them prefixed with the locale code. There are 2 ways of configuring custom paths for your pages: in-component options or via the module's configuration.

Custom paths are not supported with the no-prefix strategy.

In-component options

Add a nuxtI18n.paths property to your page and set your custom paths there:

export default {
  nuxtI18n: {
    paths: {
      en: '/about-us', // -> accessible at /about-us (no prefix since it's the default locale)
      fr: '/a-propos', // -> accessible at /fr/a-propos
      es: '/sobre'     // -> accessible at /es/sobre

To configure a custom path for a dynamic route, you need to put the params in the URI similarly to how you would do it in vue-router.

export default {
  nuxtI18n: {
    paths: {
      en: '/articles/:name',
      es: '/artículo/:name'

Module's configuration

Make sure you set the parsePages option to false to disable babel parsing and add your custom paths in the pages option:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  parsePages: false,   // Disable babel parsing
  pages: {
    about: {
      en: '/about-us', // -> accessible at /about-us (no prefix since it's the default locale)
      fr: '/a-propos', // -> accessible at /fr/a-propos
      es: '/sobre'     // -> accessible at /es/sobre

Note that each key in the pages object should correspond to the full file path in your pages/ directory.

Make sure all keys:

  1. Are relative to the pages/ directory and don't start with a /
  2. Point directly to their corresponding file without .vue (make sure you add /index when translating root paths)

Localized routes are full URIs, so keep in mind that:

  1. They need to start with a /
  2. You must repeat the full URI for each child route

Example 1

Say you have some nested pages like:

├── _nested/
├──── _route/
├────── index.vue
├────── _.vue

Here's how you would configure these particular pages in the configuration:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  parsePages: false,
  pages: {
    '_nested/_route/index': {
      en: '/mycustompath/:nested/:route?' // Params need to be put back here as you would with vue-router
    '_nested/_route/_': {
      en: '/mycustompath/:nested/*' // * will match the entire route path after /:nested/

Example 2

With the following pages directory:

├── about.vue
├── services/
├──── index.vue
├──── development/
├────── index.vue
├────── app/
├──────── index.vue
├────── website/
├──────── index.vue
├──── coaching/
├────── index.vue

You would need to set up your pages property as follows:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  parsePages: false,
  pages: {
    about: {
      en: '/about',
      fr: '/a-propos',
    'services/index': {
      en: '/services',
      fr: '/offres',
    'services/development/index': {
      en: '/services/development',
      fr: '/offres/developement',
    'services/development/app/index': {
      en: '/services/development/app',
      fr: '/offres/developement/app',
    'services/development/website/index': {
      en: '/services/development/website',
      fr: '/offres/developement/site-web',
    'services/coaching/index': {
      en: '/services/coaching',
      fr: '/offres/formation',

If a custom path is missing for one of the locales, the defaultLocale custom path is used, if set.

Ignore routes

This feature is not supported with the no-prefix strategy.

In-component options

If you'd like some page to be available to some languages only, you can configure a list of supported languages to override global settings:

export default {
  nuxtI18n: {
    locales: ['fr', 'es']

To completely disable i18n on a given page:

export default {
  nuxtI18n: false

Module's configuration

If you disabled parsePages option, localization can be disabled for specific pages and locales by setting the unwanted locale(s) to false in the module's configuration:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  parsePages: false,
  pages: {
    about: {
      en: false,

To completely disable routes localization on a given page:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  parsePages: false,
  pages: {
    about: false
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Tue, Aug 3, 2021