Using seo option (or preferably the $nuxtI18nHead-based solution - see Improving Performance) requires that locales are configured as an array of objects and not strings.


When the seo option is enabled, nuxt-i18n attempts to add some metadata to improve your pages SEO. Here's what it does.

lang attribute for <html> tag

Sets the correct lang attribute, equivalent to the current locale's ISO code, in the <html> tag.

Automatic hreflang generation

Generates <link rel="alternate" hreflang="x"> tags for every language configured in nuxt.config.js. The language's ISO codes are used as hreflang values.

Since version v6.6.0, a catchall locale hreflang link is provided for each language group (e.g. en-*) as well. By default, it is the first language provided but another language can be selected by setting isCatchallLocale to true on that specific language object in your nuxt.config.js. More on hreflang

An example without selected catchall locale:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  locales: [
      code: 'en',
      iso: 'en-US' // Will be used as catchall locale by default
      code: 'gb',
      iso: 'en-GB'

Here is how you'd use isCatchallLocale to selected another language:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  locales: [
      code: 'en',
      iso: 'en-US'
      code: 'gb',
      iso: 'en-GB',
      isCatchallLocale: true // This one will be used as catchall locale

In case you already have an en language iso set, it'll be used as the catchall without doing anything

['nuxt-i18n', {
  locales: [
      code: 'gb',
      iso: 'en-GB'
      code: 'en',
      iso: 'en' // will be used as catchall locale

OpenGraph Locale tag generation

Generates og:locale and og:locale:alternate meta tags as defined in the Open Graph protocol.

Generates rel="canonical" link on all pages to specify the "main" version of the page that should be indexed by search engines. This is beneficial in various situations:

  • When using the prefix_and_default strategy there are technically two sets of pages generated for the default locale -- one prefixed and one unprefixed. The canonical link will be set to the unprefixed version of the page to avoid duplicate indexation.
  • When the page contains the query parameters, the canonical link will not include query params. This is typically the right thing to do as various query params can be inserted by trackers and should not be part of the canonical link. Note that there is currently no way to override that in case that including a specific query params would be desired.

More on canonical


To leverage the SEO benefits, you must configure the locales option as an array of objects, where each object has an iso option set to the language's ISO code:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  locales: [
      code: 'en',
      iso: 'en-US'
      code: 'es',
      iso: 'es-ES'
      code: 'fr',
      iso: 'fr-FR'

You must also set the baseUrl option to your production domain in order to make alternate URLs fully-qualified:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  baseUrl: ''

baseUrl can also be set to a function (that will be passed a Nuxt Context as a parameter) that returns a string. It can be useful to make base URL dynamic based on request headers or window.location.

To enable this feature everywhere in your app, set seo option to true. This comes with a performance drawback though. More information below.

['nuxt-i18n', {
  seo: true

If you'd like to disable SEO on specific pages, set i18n.seo to false right in the page:

export default {
  nuxtI18n: {
    seo: false

To override SEO metadata for any page, simply declare your own head () method. Have a look at src/templates/head-meta.js if you want to copy some of nuxt-i18n's logic.

Improving performance

The default method to inject SEO metadata, while convenient, comes at a performance costs. The head method is registered for every component in your app. This means each time a component is created, the SEO metadata is recomputed for every components.

To improve performance you can use the $nuxtI18nHead method in your layout instead. It will generate i18n SEO metadata for the current context.

First make sure automatic SEO is disabled by setting seo to false in your configuration or removing that option completely:

['nuxt-i18n', {
  seo: false

Then in your app layout declare the head hook and use $nuxtI18nHead inside to generate i18n SEO meta information:

export default {
  head () {
    return this.$nuxtI18nHead({ addSeoAttributes: true })

If you have more layouts, don't forget to add it there too.

That's it! Now SEO metadata will only be computed for the layout instead of every component in your app.

Merging i18n SEO metadata with your own

If you want to add your own meta in the layout you can easily merge the object returned by $nuxtI18nHead with your own:

export default {
  head () {
    const i18nHead = this.$nuxtI18nHead({ addSeoAttributes: true })
    return {
      htmlAttrs: {
        myAttribute: 'My Value',
      meta: [
          hid: 'description',
          name: 'description',
          content: 'My Custom Description'
      link: [
          hid: 'apple-touch-icon',
          rel: 'apple-touch-icon',
          sizes: '180x180',
          href: '/apple-touch-icon.png'
Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Tue, Aug 3, 2021